The years that I attended M&A, I didn't know there was a courtyard so close by. It wasn't until many years later that I saw photographs of the unknown area and I was truly shocked. After conversations with other alumni, I discovered that there were many others who attended the school for three or four years and didn't know that the area existed. It was secretly tucked into the lap of the EL-shaped building. It quietly sat between the northwest side of the structure and the then basketball court (now it's a parking lot). In the long run, I can only imagine the warm thoughts that would have been evoked by the calming influence of this peaceful section. Difficult to miss what I never experienced but I'm sure it would have been serene and relaxing on a warm spring day.
However, I was bored with the ”good ’ol standards" and decided that if I was going to audition, and do it well, then I needed to play music that spoke to me. I entered the room on the fifth floor and met Dr. Chernoff, who greeted me with an open hand and a long beard. To my right was a grungy blackboard with the musical staff, a piano in the middle of the room, and spread all over the place in what I suppose was a neat chaos, was a bunch of chairs. To me it was just chaos. And at the same time, that chaos said to me ”it might be o.k. to take risks”. I set my music on the piano (there was no music stand) and began to present myself: ”Hi, my name is Kristen Snyder and I have been playing flute for four years. I want to go to M&A because of its focus on the arts and its belief in diversity. And if it’s o.k. with you, I would like to perform Mozart’s Eine Kleine Nachtmusik on flute (reading off a piano score of course).” And so I began to play and smiled as the melody came out of my flute and my soul. I was so glad I chose to play something that made me happy and decided if they didn’t like it, then it wasn’t a school for me. Apparently they liked my choice and my playing. I had four fantastic years at M&A graduating in 1982 with experiences in senior band and orchestra as well as the musicals. It pays to take chances and follow your heart! More examples of stories at: Starting in the early 1940's, a unique hood ornament was seen throughout the school. Using the school yearbooks as a reference, it was difficult to miss the senior hat that was proudly wore in M&A for almost three decades. By the time 1970 rolled around, the proud wearing of the senior hat had all but disappeared. On the humorous side, my theory is that the three guys below might be the reason that seniors gave up wearing their hats. From the Classes of 1965, 1968 & 1969 On the serious side, I'm interested in any facts about how the hats got started and/or why they stopped being popular.
This contrast is seen through the change in musical tempo and use of calm still photos, as compared to fast-paced video footage. Hope you enjoy this short video as much as I enjoyed producing it. "It takes a lot of work but dreams do come true." |
Lloyd A. GreenM&A was a blessing, which is difficult to forget. Let's talk about the good times. Archives
October 2023